sharing information III – food edition
January 30, 2011, 3:55 pm
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I wanted to share some info I have been gathering about how food impacts fibroids growth and healing. I am going to have to make some changes to my diet, though nothing too crazy drastic.

I have been researching books, and so far the best one has been: “Healing Fibroids-A Doctor’s Guide to Natural Care” by Allan Warshowsky. It’s cheesy at times, and a bit too new agey for a comfortable read, but it does lay down a good foundation of what could be helpful in restoring hormonal balance, which is what leads to fibroid growth in the first place.

I made docs for “yes foods” and “no foods” to just have a sense of what I should eat or not eat. It’s nothing surprising, just lots of veggies, legumes and fruit. The fact that a gluten free and dairy free regiment is encouraged will make it nearly impossible to eat out, and a pain to travel, but i am gonna try not to let the food choices limit my life too much.

The cost is another obvious concern. Eating an all organic, gluten free and dairy free diet is expensive, but I am hoping that as I get used to it I can get better at becoming thriftier…

here are the docs- hope they help!

yes foods

no foods

I am also attaching pic in case someone does not have Excel-click on them to see them more clearly!